
What it means… As we age we cultivate different types of friends along our journey through life. With each relationship we experience different levels of friendships, we have different experiences with each one, and times shared with each one is just as important. It can help shape our thinking and how we live our life. […]
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Feed the soul and your belly. I Tried home delivery meals and I LOVED IT!!! Nourishing our bodies is key to maintaining energy throughout the day. Ordering Out vs. Home Delivery vs going Out to Dinner. Like most people I’ve had up and downs with food. I have food allergies and Sam can eat just […]
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Name: Lenore Caulton-Downey Age: I am 62 years old. Career:  I am a private makeup – artist. Where do you live? Plano, Texas How do you define beauty? Beauty is the manifestation of the joy within your soul that shows itself to your outer body. When you think about aging what’s the first thing that […]
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When we think of aging, we automatically look at the effects on our body and face?  That is the “standard” we measure aging by… The reality is all our bodies change BUT the “choice” we have is how we react to that change and the energy we put into our bodies.  That is concept I […]
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  What is my intention with this blog? To help women embrace where they are in life and not think of AGING as a BAD WORD… To facilitate Aging as a process into grace, strength, character and beauty with every passing birthday, that every decade is an ingredient into your future masterpiece. Sooo… AGING, THE […]
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